
At Fresh Start, we welcome the opportunity to serve anyone that is ready to improve his or her overall well-being. We provide services that are based on Christian principles and values. Research-proven techniques are combined with Biblical wisdom to provide clients with the opportunity to integrate their faith into the treatment process at their request. As Christians and therapists, we value each individual; therefore, each therapist will respect a client’s right to choose whether spiritual issues are incorporated into the session process.
Counseling is usually recommended when people experience emotional or behavioral problems that interrupt their daily functioning, add stress to their family, and/or prevent them from living out their potential and enjoying life. Our staff works with children, teenagers, adults, couples, and families to address a broad range of emotional, behavioral, or adjustment problems.
Our Services
Seminars & Groups
Family functioning assessments
Adoption narratives
Home evaluations
Positive parent training,
Premarital counseling
Couple Enrichment
Social skills training for children
Family cohesion
Divorce recovery for children and adults
Blended families
Common Issues
Poor Social Skills
Stress Reduction
Chronic/Terminal Illness
Poor Communication
Obsessive Compulsion
Time Management
Troubled Teens
Anger Management
Eating Disorders
Trauma/Crisis Events
Adjustment Disorder
Substance Abuse
Peer Pressure
Family Conflict
Strained Relationships
Victims of Abuse
Blended Families
Behavior Problems
Low Self-Esteem
Spiritual Counseling
Problems in School
Emotional Pain
Mood Disorders
Divorce Issues